Maxfoot MF-18 vs Aventon Soltera 2

Maxfoot MF-18 vs Aventon Soltera 2

Over the past few decades, city roads worldwide have evolved. E-bikes are now the preferred urban transportation medium, reflecting a shift towards sustainable living. As demand has increased, multiple brands, including Maxfoot and Aventon, have emerged.


From these two brands, Maxfoot MF-18 and Aventon Soltera 2 are notable contenders in the urban commute category. For potential buyers, choosing between these two can be overwhelming. Therefore, we compared these models to see which one could be the ideal riding companion.


In this article, we’ll focus on their distinctive features, design, and performance. The intention is to give prospective buyers a clearer picture and enable them to make an informed decision based on individual needs and preferences.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs. Aventon Soltera 2: A Quick Comparison


Launched in 2020, MF-18 is a fat tire cruiser bike from Maxfoot. It comes equipped with a 750W Bafang motor and a large SAMSUNG battery, which can keep assisting the bike for upto 55 miles.


Soltera 2 is a lightweight commuter bike by Aventon. Equipped with a 300W motor and moderate battery, it can provide a mileage of 46 miles. It is targeted at urban users with short to moderate-range rides.



Maxfoot MF-18

Aventon Soltera 2




Motor Power




48V 13 Ah

36V 9.6Ah

Charging Time

4 - 5 hrs

4 - 5 hrs

Maximum Range

55 miles with PAS 1

46 miles on PAS 1

Top Speed

23 mph

20 mph


Front Suspension Fork

Rigid Steel Fork


(26″ x 4 ″)

27.5″ x 1.38″

Net Weight

70 lbs.

46 lbs.

Max. Supported Weight

300 lbs.

300 lbs.


12 Months +

24 Months of Technical Support

12 Months

Maxfoot MF-18 vs. Aventon Soltera 2: Power and Performance


If we’re talking about power and speed, the Maxfoot MF-18 takes the lead with its 750W motor, hitting top speeds of 23 mph. This one’s for the speedsters and power-lovers out there!


But, on the flip side, Aventon Soltera 2, with its 350W motor reaching 20 mph, is no slouch either. It’s a bit more chilled and great for those who are into a more relaxed, laid-back ride.


Weight-wise, the Soltera 2 is the lightweight champ at 46 lbs, making it super manageable, especially if you’ve got stairs to deal with. The MF-18 is a hefty buddy at 70 lbs, but it does have more power.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs Aventon Soltera 2: Frame Design


In terms of frame design, both the Maxfoot MF-18 and the Aventon Soltera 2 exhibit step-over frames but showcase distinct aesthetics and suitability.


The Aventon Soltera 2 stands out with its geometrically straight, lightweight frame. It’s versatile, offering two sizes: a regular one catering to shorter riders and a large one for those with a taller stance.


Contrarily, the MF-18 from Maxfoot is available in one size meant to accommodate all. It brings a distinctive flair with its slightly curled down tube, providing it with a unique look and setting it apart in terms of style.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs. Aventon Soltera 2: Battery and Range


The Maxfoot MF-18 is equipped with a robust 48V 13Ah battery – it allows riders to cruise for up to 55 miles with PAS 1. This substantial range makes the MF-18 an excellent choice for those who have longer commutes.


In contrast, the Aventon Soltera 2 houses a 36V 9.6Ah battery. This battery supports a maximum range of 46 miles on PAS 1. While this range is slightly shorter compared to the MF-18, it is still substantial and would suit riders who have moderate commutes or enjoy casual rides around the city.


Both e-bikes have comparable charging times, requiring around 4 to 5 hours to fully recharge, which means riders can conveniently charge their e-bikes during work hours or overnight.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs Aventon Soltera 2: Suspension and Tires


Suspension and tires are critical factors as they define the riding experience and comfort. Both these things are somewhat distinctive in both Ebikes.


The Maxfoot MF-18 is designed with a front suspension fork, an essential feature for those who traverse over uneven terrains or desire smoother rides. This addition helps in absorbing shocks from bumpy surfaces; it provides a more comfortable riding experience, ideal for those longer distances.


Contrarily, the Aventon Soltera 2 is equipped with a rigid fork. This design is more suited to riders who primarily navigate through city streets and smoother surfaces.


When considering tires, the MF-18 features wider 20" x 4" tires, enhancing stability and allowing for versatile rides across various terrains, including gravel and dirt paths. This makes it a suitable companion for those who love adventurous rides and exploring off-the-beaten paths.


The Soltera 2 has 27.5" x 1.38" tires. These are slimmer, fostering agility and speed, ideal for urban commuting and well-paved surfaces.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs. Aventon Soltera 2: Add-On Features


Both the Maxfoot MF-18 and the Aventon Soltera 2 bring unique elements to the table to enhance rider experience and convenience.


The Aventon Soltera 2 boasts a smart backlight LCD to keep riders informed with essential information on the go. Additionally, it offers sync capabilities with an app. Also, it supports multiple add-ons like rear trailers and rack sets to enhance its utility. But none of these is available with a bike; all come at a separate add-on cost.


On the other side, the Maxfoot MF-18 also features an LCD, with the added benefit of a USB port for on-the-go charging. Unlike the Soltera 2, the MF-18 offers more value by including several add-ons within the bike cost. These include a rear rack set, a mobile phone holder, and side mirrors.



Maxfoot MF-18 vs. Aventon Soltera 2:  Which one is true value for money?


Maxfoot MF-18 offers a powerful motor and a longer range, which provide significant value for its price. Its front suspension ensures smoother rides on varied terrains. Plus, the added convenience of included add-ons and a USB port make it a well-rounded choice.


Although the Aventon Soltera 2 has unique tech integrations and customization, the comprehensive features of the MF-18 give it a clear edge for those seeking power, convenience, and value.

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