rear wheel drive electric trike

Front Wheel Drive vs. Mid-Motor vs. Rear Wheel Drive Electric Trike: What’s the Difference?

Retailers often push out specs like “Mid-Drive” and “Rear-Mounted Motor”. Most eTrike enthusiasts also pay a lot of attention to these. It’s as if the placement of the motor will change everything about an eTrike.


So is it true? Does the motor placement of eTrikes matter? Yes. Where the motor is placed in an eTrike can affect most things.


So if you’re serious about eTriking, it’s important to know about the different motor placements and which is the best fit for you. In this article, we’ll cover just that so keep reading to learn more.


Why Motor Placement Matters in eTrikes

Surprisingly enough, where the motor is located on an eTrike can affect a lot of things. For instance: weight distribution.


The motor tends to be one of the heaviest components in an eTrike. So the motor’s weight can affect the balance and weight distribution significantly.


It can also affect factors like cost, performance, and riding experience. So whether that’s a motor mounted on the front, middle, or rear, they will create varying results and riding experiences.


Stability and Weight Distribution

The motor can weigh down an eTrike significantly. So where they are placed in the frame can lead to changes in the overall weight distribution and stability.


In the case of two-wheeled eBikes, the motor can heavily impact the overall weight balance and stability. It would do this almost to the point where the eBike is dangerous to ride at higher speeds and off road terrain.


Fortunately, this is not the case with eTrikes. Thanks to the extra stability provided by the third wheel, the weight or placement of the motor isn’t as detrimental.


Instead, the motor is used to improve the balance and stability of the eTrike. In most general-use eTrikes, the motor’s weight helps keep the trike grounded and lower the center of gravity.


This is important as it helps to prevent the eTrike from flipping over, especially when rolling at higher speeds or making sharp turns.


When it comes to motor placement, mid-motor is the best option here. So when the motor is mounted in the center of the eTrike frame, it has the lowest chance of flipping over.


Riding Experience

The riding experience is subjective to different riders. So the wrong motor placement can make or break an eTrike for a specific rider.


For example, most riders prefer an eTrike that’s quiet, intuitive, and feels more akin to a regular push bicycle.


On the opposite end, some riders don’t mind riding a trike that feels like a moped or scooter. They feel right at home when the eTrike is pulling or pushing them forward instead of feeling like a regular bicycle.


So Where the motor is installed can directly impact the riding experience. It's the biggest reason why experienced eTrikes prefer one type of placement over the other.


Common Types of Electric Trike Motors


Mid-Motor Electric Trike

In this case, professional and long-time riders swear by the mid-motor configuration. They say that mid-mounted motors provide the most intuitive riding experience, which closely resembles the feeling of riding a push-bicycle.


Rear Wheel Electric Hub Motor 

Meanwhile, the front-mounted and rear-mounted configurations get mixed reactions. Some riders enjoy the pushing action given by the rear-mounted motor. They relate it to riding a motorcycle or moped, so it feels more natural for them.


Front Wheel Electric Hub Motor

Finally, front-mounted motors give out a pulling sensation which most riders don’t agree on. Some may prefer this straight away, but others only stick with front-mounted motors because of affordability and ease of use.  


Differences Between eTrike Motors

Cost and Ease of Use

Not all types of motors are assembled equally. Mid-drive motors for instance connect directly to the drivetrain of an eTrike.

As a result, they have more complicated mechanics and are much more difficult to install, replace, and repair.


Front Mounted

Meanwhile, front-mounted motors are usually the cheapest and easiest to work with. They connect directly to the front hub and drive the front wheel instead of the chain.


Because of this, they are easy to remove and replace. Even regular DIYers can work on a front-mounted hub motor whenever they need to.


Rear Mounted

Rear-mounted motors, especially for eTrikes, fall somewhere in the middle. Unlike two-wheelers, they can’t directly interface with one of the rear wheels.


Instead, they are fixed to an axle (or differential) that sits between the two rear wheels. This component takes in the power from the rear-mounted motor and distributes it equally to the two rear wheels.


This prevents stability issues and makes sure both rear wheels push forward with equal intensity. That is done, of course, while allowing them to rotate independently based on the terrain.


So rear-mounted motors are usually more affordable than mid-drive motors. But, they can be more complicated than front-mounted ones.



Performance is another factor that most eTrike enthusiasts and professionals are worried about.


But performance is just a blanket term. More specifically, it’s things like power efficiency, steering capability, traction, acceleration, and max speed.


These factors can change drastically depending on the type of motor and where they are installed in the eTrike frame.


Power Efficiency

Batteries can’t keep the eTrike running for hundreds of miles. Therefore, it’s important to keep eTrikes as power-efficient as possible.


High efficiency means an increase in the effective range of an eTrike and also the lifespan of all the components. So with a power-efficient eTrike, you can ride for longer distances without worrying too much about safety and maintenance.



In this regard, the mid-mounted motors (or mid-drives) take the stage. Mid-drives are said to be the most efficient since they power the drivetrain directly.


So unlike the front and rear-mounted motors, they waste minimal energy on things like friction, noise, and heat.


Steering and Handling

Since the motor is heavy, it can also affect the steering and handling capabilities of an eTrike. This is especially true on low-end eTrikes which aren’t perfectly optimized for better handling.



Front-mounted motors are notorious for bad steering performance since the motor’s weight is shifted to the front. It makes the eTrike difficult to steer, especially when the motor is engaged.


So the handlebars feel heavier and harder to turn for an eTrike with a front-mounted motor.


Generally, this is bad for ergonomics and safety. It can aggravate injuries such as wrist pain and make it difficult to make quick turns during critical situations.



Rear-mounted motors are far more responsive. Since they shift weight to the back, it’s much easier to turn the handlebars and control steering.


That said, eTrikes with rear-mounted motors can lead to over-steering. Here, when the rider makes quick sharp turns, the rear wheels can exaggerate the turn.


This is a potential safety concern as it can cause the trike to flip over or bump into pedestrians and traffic.



In terms of steering performance, mid-drives are the better option. Since there’s no excess weight on the front or rear wheels, they are easy to steer and don’t run into problems like oversteering.


Traction, Torque, and Acceleration

Traction and Torque are important factors that affect the overall performance of an eTrike. You need good traction for an eTrike to “hold onto the road surface and roll through.


Meanwhile, you need high enough torque to push the eTrike forward, especially when it’s stuck or accelerating.


Without enough traction or torque, the eTrike wheels will slip or stiffen up. It won’t push (or pull) you forward.

Also, with low traction, the eTrike can tip over, overload the motor, or wear down the tires much faster.



Front-motor eTrikes aren’t the best when providing solid traction or torque. This is because, in most eTrikes, the front wheel doesn’t have enough weight above it.


Besides, motors with high torque aren’t installed on these because of safety and stability reasons.


So when the front-mounted motor activates and pulls the rest of the trike behind it, the wheels can slip. This is especially true when accelerating from a complete stop or trying to push through steep hills.



Electric trikes with a rear motor have significantly better traction. This is because they have a lot of weight over them and twice the surface area (thanks to the two-rear wheels).


They also have a stronger base for leveraging high amounts of torque. Since they push the two rear wheels, there’s less chance of losing stability or damaging other components.


As a result, there’s less chance of slipping. eTrikes with rear motors can provide decent acceleration. Also, they fare much better against slopes and slippery terrain.



This is another win for the mid-drives. As they power the chain directly, they can push out impressive amounts of torque without damaging anything.


Also, the motor’s central position doesn’t favor the front or rear of the eTrike. On top of that, it uses the chain as a prime-mover.


Thanks to these two factors, the mid-drive can offer high traction and torque.  


How do Electric Tricycle Motors Work?


The placement of the motor affects many factors. But overall, it’s apparent that the mid-motor placement offers better performance and the most natural riding experience. However, it still has some flaws. So let’s talk more about the functions between these types of motor placements and their pros and cons.


How a Front Drive Motor Works

For two-wheeled eBikes and eTrikes, both in general come with hub motors for front placement. These hub motors attach directly to the front hub of the eTrike.


So when the front-mounted motor receives power, it rotates the front wheel. This then pulls the eTrike forward.


But, whenever the rider switches off the throttle or pulls the brake levers, the motor will shut down.


SixthreeZero’s EZ transit folding eTrike is one of the best examples of a front-motor eTrike done right. It’s affordably-priced and comes with 750W continuous power with a payload capacity of 300 lbs.


Benefits of Having a Front-Mounted Motor for eTrikes

  • Easy to Install and Maintain: Front-mounted motors are the easiest and fastest to install, replace, and repair.
  • Affordable and Cheap to Repair and Maintain: The entire motor and spare parts are cheap and readily available, thanks to their simpler construction,
  • Doesn’t Damage the Drivetrain: Front motors are connected separately from the chain. This means it has less chance of breaking the chain or aggravating its wear and tear.
  • Can Be Used Even With a Broken Chain: Unlike mid-drives or rear-mounted motors, the front motor is completely independent of the drivetrain, rear differential, and other components. As such, you can ride a front-motor eTrike during situations where the chain is broken.
  • Simple and Efficient Operation: Front-mounted motors don’t need to worry about shifting gears or working with a rear axle. As a result, they are easy to operate and beginner-friendly.


Drawbacks of Having a Front-Mounted Motor

  • Makes it Difficult to Steer: The front motor adds weight to the front wheel. This makes it harder to make turns, especially when the motor is engaged.
  • Low Traction: Front-motor eTrikes have notoriously bad traction. When accelerating from a complete stop or climbing steep hills, the front wheels have a high chance of slipping.
  • Pulling Action: When the front motor is engaged, it creates a pulling sensation. This creates a more unnatural and less satisfying riding experience.
  • Low Torque: Front motors have low traction; hence, they can’t produce enough torque.
  • Damages the Front Fork: The vibrations and constantly shifting weight of the motor can result in premature wear and tear on the front fork suspension.  
  • Gives Out Too Much Noise and Vibrations: Because of their simple construction, front-mounted motors don’t have proper damping properties. They are louder and create vibrations on the handlebars.


How a Rear-Mounted Motor Works

For eTrikes, rear-mounted motors are significantly different from rear-hub motors seen in two-wheeled eBikes.


Electric trikes have two wheels on the rear. So when installing a rear-hub, motor manufacturers will have to include dual rear-hub motors or just power a single motor.


Both are terrible options. The dual-hub motor setup will be too inefficient and powering a single wheel is a huge safety concern.


Therefore, the best solution is to use a rear differential. This will help distribute power equally to the rear wheels while allowing them to rotate independently.


Addmotor’s ARISETAN II M-360 and other eTrikes include this mechanism. It’s safer and much more efficient than other rear-drive mechanisms.


Advantages of a Rear-Mounted Motor

  • Better Traction and Torque Performance: Rear-mounted motors provide much better traction and stability. They are good enough for climbing steep hills and accelerating from a complete stop.
  • Pushing Sensation: Rear motors provide a more satisfying riding experience. Riders who are used to mopeds and scooters will feel right at home.
  • Easier to Steer: With rear-mounted motors, there’s no extra weight on the front wheels. It’s much easier to steer and make turns.
  • Frees Up the Drivetrain: These rear motors don’t cause premature wear and tear on the chain.
  • Generally Affordable: Rear motors are not as cheap as front motors. That said, they are still more affordable than mid-drives.
  • Maintains the eTrike’s Aesthetics: Rear-mounted motors are stealthily hidden away under the rear axle. They don’t affect the aesthetics of the eTrike and help maintain a cleaner look.


Disadvantages of a Rear-Mounted Motor

  • Risk of Oversteering: Rear-motor eTrikes can cause oversteering, especially when riding and making turns at higher speeds.
  • Not Optimal for Off-Roading: Rear motors aren’t the best for going full-offroad. They can’t provide enough torque and traction to handle rocky and slippery terrain.
  • Middling Efficiency: Rear motors don’t make use of the gear system in an eTrike. They are not as power-efficient as mid-drives.
  • Not Easy to Repair and Maintain: The rear motor in most eTrikes is connected to a rear axle and sometimes, the rear differential. They are somewhat difficult and expensive to repair and replace.


How a Mid-Drive Motor Works

A mid-drive motor is installed inside the bottom bracket of an eTrike frame. It usually sits between the pedals and connects directly to the trike chain.


Because of this positioning, it drives the chain directly when pedaling. Which, in turn translates this power to the rear wheels.


Addmotor’s GRANDTAN Turbo is one of the best mid-drive eTrikes out there. It maximizes efficiency and allows anybody to keep riding through steep hills and off road terrain with hundreds of pounds of cargo.


Pros of Having a Mid-Drive Motor

  • Balanced Weight Distribution: Because of its central position, the mid-drive motor doesn’t create any weight imbalances. It improves stability and helps maintain the trike's low center of gravity.
  • Worry-Free Steering: Unlike the front motor, there’s no difficulty in steering or potential for causing oversteering.
  • Superior Efficiency: A mid-drive motor can take full advantage of the trike’s gear system. It’s much more battery-efficient and improves range.
  • High Torque Capabilities: Mid-drives power the chain directly. Thanks to this, it can output high amounts of torque without any issues. This means better acceleration and extra power when riding uphill or traversing rugged terrain.
  • Improved Riding Experience: Mid drives are more silent and don't create as much vibrations. Also, they provide a more subtle boost which feels more natural to riding an actual bicycle.


Cons of Having a Mid-Drive Motor

  • Expensive: One of the biggest reasons holding them back. Mid-drive motors are significantly expensive. Besides, they are even more expensive to repair and maintain.
  • Complicated Setup: Mid drives connect directly to the drive chain of an eTrike. Because of this, it’s difficult to remove and install mid-drive motors.
  • Can Wear Out the Drivetrain Faster: Mid-drives tend to put out tremendous amounts of torque when riding. These forces are much more intense than regular pedaling, even under normal conditions. As such, mid-drives can wear out the chain faster.
  • Difficult for Beginners to Master: Mid-drive motors integrate directly with the gear system. Because of this, riders must learn to disengage the motor when shifting gears. They should also be mindful about how much power to feed the mid-drive during specific gear ratios/speeds.


Wrapping Up

The motor placement can significantly alter many factors on an eTrike. This includes things like the riding experience, performance and steering capability.


In most eTrikes, a front motor can be the cheapest option. However, it has many flaws, including difficulties with steering and control.


Mid-Drive motors are usually the best option. They are efficient, powerful and provide a more natural riding experience. That said, they are significantly expensive and not really feasible for casual riders.


Rear-motors are usually a solid middle ground. They improve handling and weight distribution. The only downsides are oversteering and slight issues with maintenance and repairs.

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